Interview with Hayley Pokorski

Hayley Pokorski discusses both her family’s and her own relationship with mass incarceration and state violence and describes how the system perpetuates harm and trauma.

This interview was conducted virtually by Marci Marie Simmons with Hayley Pokorski on April 17, 2023 at 12:11pm. Hayley talks about being afraid while visiting her mother in jail as a young child and growing up without her mother there. Hayley talks about how she is the youngest of four siblings and the only one who has not been to prison herself. This interview may be of interest to individuals seeking to learn more about the negative affects of mass incarceration on families, details about visiting incarcerated people and/or how mass incarceration victimizes family members of incarcerated people.

Marci Marie Simmons is a formerly incarcerated woman and social media personality who uses her lived experiences to advocate for incarcerated people and prison reform.

Hayley’s mother, Stacey Venable, and sister-in-law, Devan Harrel, were interviewed at a separate time and their interviews are also available in the archive.