Interview with Stacy Bowen (Stacy Venable)

Stacy Bowen shares her perspective on growing up with a parent who was incarcerated, her experience of witnessing her children being incarcerated, and the effects of generational incarceration.

This interview was conducted virtually by Marci Marie Simmons with Stacy Venable on April 16, 2023 at 8:20pm. Stacey talks about growing up watching her father go in and out of jails and prisons and how she then found herself an incarcerated mother. Stacey’s children are grown now and three out of four of them have been incarcerated. Stacey expresses her grief from being in a family that seems to be cursed by generational incarceration.

This interview might be of interest to individuals who want to learn about the affects of mass incarceration on the family unit and how families cope with generational incarceration.

Marci Marie Simmons is a formerly incarcerated woman and social media personality who uses her lived experiences to advocate for incarcerated people and prison reform.

Stacey’s daughter, Hayley Pokorski, and daughter-in-law, Devan Harral, were also interviewed at a separate time and their interviews are available in the archive.